Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Passion & Drive - Random thoughts

Lately, I've been thinking about these words - passion and drive, and amazing possibilities swim before me. Who would've thought that two simple words can have so much potential?

But, that's just what it is - an appetising bowl, full of dreams and hopes coming to fruition. Think about that clear, sunny day with clear, blue skies and the excitement of a nice drive along green pastures and elegant trees. You stop near this hill, surrounded by the smell of wild grass, and have an impromptu picnic - and out comes the passion fruit - golden and orange, a promise of sweet goodness inside. You happily break the fruit into half and suck at the juicy pulp inside, cooling your insides with a remarkable taste of freshness! Who would've thought that passion can be so rewarding?

While you stretch yourself on your picnic mat and look up into the sky, drifting thoughts fill your mind. How often do you hear the clichéd advice, about doing what you love and being passionate about your work in order to achieve success? It is quite obvious that where there is passion and drive, success will follow. The question is, what happens to those people who have a job and do it to their best ability, but are not passionate about it? Do we write them off as failures, or brush them aside as people who will never attain greatness in what they do? Should we recommend that they forge ahead and find something else to do - something they can display passion for and have a drive to excel in? Is there a single formula that can work for everyone?

I think not. Sometimes, passion and drive do not necessarily come from loving what you do, but from love of something else. A parent will work at the most miserable of jobs, so he/she can give their child all things possible. The happiness in her/his child's eyes is their drive, the smile spreading on the lips of dear ones, their passion! That is only one example. I am sure we have all met people who are brilliant at something, but are almost struggling through life - working at a job they don't like or are not brilliant at. What of it? We shake our heads at them and think, if only they would try their hand at this - fame, fortune, wisdom - it would all be theirs. But do we really understand? Perhaps, satisfaction in something else entirely is their passion and drive!

Thoughts drift again...passion. What a tantalizing word - and then you add drive to it and there you have it again: a sumptuous coming together of things. What drives us to passion - the more carnal and intimate longing? Is it lust, or is it love? Is it the culmination of both? the breaking open of that passion fruit to satiate our thirst for wholesome sweetness? That sweet pleasure of kissing that person just a little while longer and with an extra serving of zeal? The promise of oneness - a celebration of all your dreams and hopes coming together for treasured moments of complete love - is perhaps what drives us to passion of any kind, after all

The sun begins its descent...and you pack up your little impromptu picnic things. Time to head back to the car and the pleasant drive home - with a little, orange coloured, passion temptingly peeking on the seat next to yours...

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