Monday, December 16, 2013


It might be a mindset, but come December, or the conventional end of year, I start to reflect on life and how my part in this gigantic play is panning out. Have my acting skills improved? How am I dealing with the unexpected? Am I doing enough to perfect my act? Is acting still fun? (Forgive the cliché analogy of life and play acting!) 

Reflections give me pause: that moment to breathe in the air, soak in the sunshine, and dance in the rain. It is a moment of complete me-ness; that time of the year when I am perfectly honest with myself, and almost always at peace with myself. 

As the years have passed these reflections have become more profound. Age does offer me that pinch of salt to face the growing number of disappointments and frustrations, the increasing number of times a straight road decides to take a twisted bend (not one of those picture perfect bends but quite the opposite) and the heightened knowledge that life is not the bed of roses you once imagined it to be. Reflections with a pinch of salt allow me, on the other end of the pool, to appreciate the small things better, to tap myself on the back and be happy that I got through another year. To look around at the people surrounding me and laugh from my heart at their pleasures and love them with my soul. 

This time round, December has started of with an in-depth journey to self-understanding. I have discovered that I am a creature who yearns for control. Situations or tasks that I don't have complete control over throw me off balance (ricochet me off to planet stress-abundance, would probably be more fitting a statement). I think I have known this for a long time now, but merely seeing it at its core has allowed me to respond to my crazy behaviour when faced with such times. I can now safely count till ten before I land myself softly and quietly on planet stress-abundance. This is a small tiny step, but one that appeases me, nonetheless.

There are other things that I am learning, or re-learning, about myself: I do not like confrontations. I love cheese - in-fact I am a foodie. I abhor standardised solutions on how to live life (they irritate me). And, so many other small delicious self discoveries follow. Reflections of these kind always pave the way for me to journey on a magnificent road, called me. It's far from perfect, but it is a lovely reminder that there is much beauty here on this road...

Monday, December 09, 2013

Football Fever - The early symptoms

Football is the most exciting sport on earth. That is a fact, and not up for debate. Anyone who would even think about debating this point, know now that this post is probably not something you can relate to.

I've grown up with football and sheer football mania is something that has oozed into my being and will not ooze out. Truth be told, I watched a lot more football when I was in high school - I was a regular premier league addict and even more of a Brasileiro série A fan.

As I've passed through uni, and progressed into the realm of the working world, the time I spend watching football games on TV has reduced dramatically, so has the inclination. I still have a good idea though, of what is the latest in the world of the EPL and the Champions League (I mean who wouldn't have an idea with all the accessibility to this information, promotions and hype!) and love watching a game whenever I can.

The one thing that hasn't changed is my addiction and dedication (I use this word on purpose), in watching the Football World Cup! There is absolutely no event (Apart from the Olympics, I suppose) that comes close to the excitement of this sporting event.

Next year is going to be phenomenal. The world cup comes home, to Brazil. South American football, without doubt, has its own flavour and magic - fancy footwork, star players, passionate crowds and a sheer love for the game, set to the background of football manic countries, promises to have a lasting impression! Can anyone ask for more?

As it stands, the final groups were announced over the weekend and this is going to be another interesting world cup. We have England and Italy facing off, France pretty much being in an easy group, and Argentina and Brazil having stiff challenges, at the early stages. It will also be interesting to see how the "minnows" perform.

All in all, the journey is gaining pace and the fun begins... (minus the tension, for now). I can't wait for Brazil 2014!!! Whoop!

Thursday, December 05, 2013

Little Red.... And Goodbye

Little Red is (I suppose I should say, was) not your typical fairytale girl dressed in a red riding hood, off to meet her grandmother. Little Red, believe it or not, has never met a wolf (at least, not as long as I have known her)

Over the last two years, Little Red has been a big part of my life. In fact, we went almost everywhere together. It all began with my growing frustration and quotidian weariness with commuting using matatus (for those who are unfamiliar with the term matatu: and buses. This together with a darling family resulted in my hook-up, so to speak, with Little Red.

When I first saw Little Red, I was still awed and unsure about our meeting. She did look just about right, though. Fate bound us and I took my first, little steps into a whole new lifestyle. Little Red - my new red colour Toyota Raum, took me to work and back, as never before. I would cautiously and nervously drive down Mombasa Road and avoid all the scary highway turns, matatu infested roads and traffic-frenzied roundabouts. The quieter, albeit pot-hole prone roads were better for us.

Slowly, Little Red and I got to know each other better (And yes, Little Red was definitely a she. Her love to get ripping, her absolute dislike and reaction to stupid drivers and her taste of destinations made it pretty obvious!) With every journey we grew more confident with each other. And soon, I was no longer dreading the roads, but enjoying my time driving around, cursing in traffic and singing my favourite songs out loud.

Little Red was many a time, my refuge. I would laugh with her and cry tears with her. Some days, it would be time spent with her that inspired me with brain waves, ideas and beautiful thoughts. I shared my heart breaks with Little Red, and my happy thoughts too. Best of all, I shared cheeky, fun moments with her. Like the time she purposefully followed a car, just because it looked good! Or, the first time I drove myself to a dinner party - how much fun!

Little Red did pull some crazy stunts: there was the time she decided that she was sick of her front wheel and went ahead and burst! Poor appa (dad, in Tamil) was in the car and had to dictatorially tell Little Red to get a grip! I think she did learn her lesson. She was off in ICU for nearly a month and that seemed to have curbed her temper and when she was back on the road, you could tell that she had been injured. Soon, she was back to her wily, old self and was busy taking me and friends out on memorable errands, parties and even farewells.

Little Red had a personality. With appa she was super dainty and well-behaved. With Shalini, my sister, she was a regular speedy Gonzales and with me she was just her usual, crazy self.

Once, on a trip to the airport, some crazy dude decided to mess with her and gave her a good knock out! Out cold again, Little Red recovered relatively fast from her injuries, but was definitely starting to show signs of ageing! That certainly didn't knock the fun out of her and Little Red and I have continued being best of pals, driving new, scenic routes together and daring just a little more every day!

Sadly, I had to let her go! Little Red was ready. She wanted some R&R. She was sad to go, but happy to get her goodbye's done quick and easy! I said bye to Little Red today - my first car! I can't help loving my first car, my Little Red - here's wishing her a lovely journey ahead!