Friday, August 22, 2014

Cleaning up

Every once in a while it is absolutely necessary, for my sanity, to clean-up. Whether I am cleaning up the room, closet, desk, head, or heart, doesn't matter.

My newest fad is cleaning up my writing. After completing, successfully, a proof reading and copy editing course, I am happy to be testing and improving my newly found skills. I figured that the best way to keep practising is to constantly look at all the things I have written and checking how it can be better. 

I have started my cleaning journey by reviewing all my blog posts, starting from the oldest in 2006. Boy, do I have a gargantuan task ahead. I can honestly say that my writing has shown signs of improvement. While a lot of my older posts were laden with passion and sometimes brimming with drama, I believe I didn't pay much attention to how good they were grammatically (This is annoying, but thankfully something I can fix) 

One of the tougher aspects of reviewing my own work is the temptation to change some of the content. Eight years is a long time and I find myself looking at things differently. To be fair, most of the underlying emotions are still close to my heart, so I take a deep breath and leave all the stories, prose and poems as they are and only make corrections to the grammar. 

On the other hand, as with most cleaning tasks, rediscovering some of my work (I know this sounds a bit conceited and odd - elevating my amateur writing, and calling it work!) has been rewarding and satisfying. I am thoroughly enjoying this clean-up. 

So, let me get back to it, as I hope I will keep writing and that I have more opportunities to proof read and copy edit. 

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Wishing Well

Stones: Patterned and at places chipped,
Green moss sedately resting over it's entirety 
It calls to me, and promises that my dreams mean something 

I peer in. Darkness. 

Drop. I hear it echo from inside the depths of the earth 

Twinkling brown eyes, 
A bubbling laugh, 
A strong embrace 
A lifetime of love

Drop. I barely make out a ripple at the water's surface 

Generous lips, 
Whispers of love, 
A kiss, two and more 
A conversation of sweet love

Drop. This time, I see the ripples, as I hear it caress the water

A hope
A dream and most of all
A promise of love forever!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Whispers From the Soul


Share with me.
Tell me everything - small and big.
Show me your dreams,
Allow me to suffer your nightmares.

Let me see your wounds; ripped-open and wide.
I might not remove the pain,
I might not stop the bleeding
Yet, I will seal it with a kiss of friendship 
And embrace it with love. 

Let me see your heart racing; beating and thriving.
I will take your triumph as mine, 
I will sing with your joy, 
And I will let it soar with a kiss of friendship 
And the breath of love. 

No, do not turn away love - 

If you cannot find the words
Use what words you have, 
I care not if they are clumsy or sparse -
Let them come out of you and towards me.

And if I am far, 
Tell me anyway.
Let me be a part of you -
And know all that you feel -
Here, there and everywhere.

Come then, love of my life,
If I cannot comfort you with a touch or with words - 
Let my love be the solace for your troubled heart, 
Let my soundless attention be your mind's strength 
Let our companionship heal your worries.

Come then, heart of my heart
If I cannot share your joy with an immediate hug - 
Let my love be the laughter from your singing heart, 
Let my unvoiced pleasure be your mind's content
Let our companionship seal us together.

But, darling, do not turn away,
Dearest of hearts do not hide your
Mind, body, heart or soul,
Lest a vine creeps its way between us 

Nay, let us linger together forever - 
My heart in yours and yours in mine.

Thursday, August 07, 2014


Some days there is no comfort for our loss, 
No gentle words or gestures can woo us - 
Your touch and your caress are what we crave; 
Things we no longer have.

On these days, we know for a fact,
That moment when you left us -
Alone, bereft;
Life too should have stumbled and stalled.

Every day the sun rises and it sets
We learn new things,
We laugh and smile,
We try, we cry and we even sleep.

Life has become bearable:
We live and let live.
We think of you all the time – 
Sometimes aloud, sometimes deep inside our soul.

Then, there are days like this -
When tears threaten to spill - 
We dream of your warm hands, your dimpled smile
Your unmoving, unending and undying love for us
Your soft brown eyes and your beautiful heart.

Memories to get us through the day,
Memories to help us smile,
And a feeling deep within that you are in our heart, 
That you are our soul’s beauty,
Our mind’s courage.

And this is our pithy solace - 
That even though you are not here 
You are here after all.