This blog is not about any singular thing. It is about things that come my way, sometimes expressed as stories, poetry (or near poetry), or simple posts about things I am passionate about, articles on people who inspire me and a myriad of other life's tales
Friday, December 01, 2017
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Pip and the Fern Festival - Part 1
What a gorgeous tree it was. It was Ferntress's Castle too. The tree trunk was so wide that it took over 100 fairies to encircle it, and it was said that the roots went underground for miles and miles. There was even the story of naughty Silas who decided to dig into the ground and follow a root and never made his way back. The bark was brown - as brown as mud that has been soaked in fresh rain - and along its height were beautiful paintings of fairies, wands, birds, animals, and all things natural. Each painting was etched out in silver, gold and bronze. If you didn't pay close attention you could miss out on them as the lines glimmered in and out of the trunk as if they were alive, weaving in and around the bark telling a tale. Sometimes it would take days and days to see all the paintings and the younger ones had to wait till they could fly high before they could reach the top parts of the trunk.
The Fountain tree was said to be taller than Fensha the king of giants. But Pip and Bennie could now see its tip if they flew up into the sky. The most beautiful thing about the Fountain tree was its branches. Bunched in hundreds they formed a dense centre and flew out in magnificent angles, curves, and spheres. And then they dropped down like glistening rain, stopping in mid air with leaves that glimmered like emeralds but looked soft and light. Each branch had twigs of silver or bronze. Flowers big and small graced the branches - some white as the shining star, others yellow like the sun , and some pink like the Ferntress's cheeks. Pip thought red flowers were the prettiest. They were the ones hardest to reach. They were roses only more rose like than any other rose Pip had ever seen.
Pip and Bennie glided to the base of the fountain tree where a number of young fairy- gentlemen had gathered. Old man Brown was at the centre of the crowd dishing out instructions in his low quiet voice. "On the journey we expect complete obedience, no showing off with fancy tricks and no mischief." He looked pointedly at Bennie and said " No running off to steal fruits from orchards". He continued, "you will all listen to me and obey my instructions. Now go off and say your goodbyes. We will meet here in one hours time."
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
A recap, Or redress of the US open
US Open Champions
Friday, September 08, 2017
A new women's US Open Champ
Thursday, September 07, 2017
All set for the semis
Wednesday, September 06, 2017
4 down, 4 more to go
Tuesday, September 05, 2017
The stage is set for the Quarter Finals
Monday, September 04, 2017
Talk about an open, open
Friday, September 01, 2017
Roger's had another long battle
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Brother Trouble, Sister names, and other things
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Osaka's win, and trying to catch up
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Sugar or honey, honey...
Monday, August 28, 2017
All eyes on Flushing Meadows
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Of Breads, Cakes, & Macarons - 2
Monday, August 21, 2017
Of Breads, Cakes, & Macarons - 1
Other breads obviously follow suit. Off and on, I have privately been envious over photos of his baguettes, but it is only recently that I have decided to pick his brains about bread recipes, and then try to replicate his bread making skills. I am currently working on the baguette, Milk & Honey bread loaves, and my addition to the list - A fennel & pecan bread.
Thursday, July 27, 2017
Time for recovery
I did get a glimpse of the cricket world cup (Women's) and it looked like a good game, although India did let the match slip away from them. It was however a great cup and certainly had moments of excitement.
August has its share of sporting events to look forward to, the highlights for me are obvious - the IAAF World Championships and the start of the US open.
Speaking of the US open and the tennis world...Djo has ended his 2017 season. I am happy that he is going to work on his wrist injury and take the necessary precautions to rest and to heal. But, I am equally sad to not have the chance to see more of his game for the rest of the season. I must admit it has been a bit bleak watching him loose time and time again, but he still has a style on court that is special. Best of luck Djo and here is wishing you a great comeback - I can't wait to see you in action in 2018!
And as Djo puts in his time for r&r, I am planning to do the same and catch up on things not sports. So, come mid August I am all set for sport, sport, sport....
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Bemusing, Bewildering, or Bloody Brainless?
- An international airport that has passengers alight from cars and walk through a security check; This despite the fact that the car driver, and car have to drive through a scanner/check anyway.
- Asking for visitors to write down their personal details, including a phone number, on publicly accessible security log books
- Asking for visitors to leave behind their IDs at the security point at buildings and replacing the ID with a common visitor pass/tag
- Stopping me outside a house gate and asking me a million questions as to the purpose of my visit, even though you have seen me drop off some friends almost weekly...
- At a mall that is renovating it's parking areas, the pay points have been disabled. After a tedious and frustrating time finding parking, you still have to pay for the inconvenience manually at a help desk and collect a manual ticket that is then scrutinised when you exit the mall
- Going to a shop, buying items, and then having to get the security guys at the entrance verify your purchase against your receipts (To be noted, modern systems require that all items have to be scanned at the pay desks, or else an embarrassing alarm will start ringing as you exit the shop). In a completely logical and sensible manner these verified receipts are then punched or stapled to confirm that all is well...
- Showing up out of the blue at the office and stating categorically that you want to meet me without a prior appointment or discussion.
- Sending out official emails and addressing me as a he, and repeating the error even after I correct you....
- Giving me directions for parking, when I don't need it, and then insisting that I drive within a cm of the wall - like really?
Ahhhh, the list can go on and on...
Friday, July 21, 2017
Trendy, Not Modern
Many of us seem to be wrapped in this bubble where we are singing a tune of how Nairobi is a modern city. We feature on posts here and there about top 10 this and top 10 that. I think it's time we snap out of the bubble. Don't get me wrong, I love where I live and wouldn't trade my life here for anywhere (barring Scandinavian countries and their immaculate lifestyle 😁)
But it is high time we understand that there is a distinct difference between a modern city and a trendy one. No doubt that we are trendy and attractive.. but are we really modern?
1. Modern cities have a green Mantra. Every big, modern city has trees and parks that occupy a large part of its environs. In Nairobi, go green, has about zero value at present, new buildings have no trees, old trees are cut off, every green area is under threat. What a pity
2. Modern cities have organised transport systems - by this I mean buses and trains that leave and arrive at a place on schedule. There is an inherent discipline within the transport sectors - bus stops are designated, and definitely not placed outside a person's residence where matatus have a picnic blocking off anything in their way. Actually, come to think of it people have the sense to walk a short distance to catch a bus, and don't stutter around any corner and stop a bus in the middle of a highway. Yep, we are definitely off the mark here.
3. Modern cities are well planned. Anyone who thinks Nairobi is well planned needs to stop taking themselves seriously and just have a good laugh. Urban planning in this beautiful city of ours is a disaster. We have commercial buildings in residential areas, sewage systems that are as ancient as the colonial times, and a rail route that is absolutely ill planned in terms of its route (Don't even get me started here and on our priorities as a Nation)
4. Speaking of modern cities.... lets look at the provision of amenities. I believe we have a severe water shortage? I think most Nairobi residents have a constant battle with our electricity suppliers? Oh wait, I don think we even have a waste disposal plan. And these are just the tip of the iceberg...
I've only mentioned a few things here, but I believe that in itself should suffice to tell us we need to refocus our attention to fundamentals and apply a neoteric, green way of thought if we need to actually be considered a modern city!
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
Monday, July 17, 2017
And so The Championships 2017 has come to an end and what a tournament it has been.
First off, congratulations to Roger Federer (I feel like I ought to be saying Sir Roger Federer) on a historic win. 8 Wimbledon trophies is phenomenal and at this moment in time looks like a record that will never be matched. It's an incredible achievement! Wow! Talk about providing inspiration for anyone. Here's to you, Federer!
While Fed's achievement was the most (read only) exciting thing about Sunday's game, Saturdays women's final was spectacular. What a first set we had - both Muguruza, the eventual champion, and Venus came out, guns blazing - powerful shot followed powerful shot. Both struggled at some point with their forehand shots, before Muguruza gained ground and powered her way to a 6-0 second set win. Williams struggled with her serve, and pretty much everything, in the second set but was as usual gracious in defeat. I don't know about you all but the women's game has such grit and fighting spirit at its heart, I can't wait to see more...
Happy celebrating, champions, and see you at the US open!
Saturday, July 15, 2017
Almost there
I was travelling early Friday morning and didn't get the chance to watch the women's or men's semis. I did keep abreast with the scores even in the bundus and in the midst of fatigue.
First off, congratulations to Venus and Federer. It is amazing what these athletes have accomplished - their style, will to win, experience and skill is as exciting as it ever was. I am tempted to make all sorts of predictions on the "oldies" Championships. But jokes about oldies aside, what an incredible feat!
And then there are two novices (in comparison of course) who face the might of legends. Muguruza and Cilic have both come through to the finals convincingly beating their opponents. They have had a few tough encounters, but in general they've showed some outstanding skill. But will it be enough to stand the test of the almighty champions that await them?
I can't wait to watch...perhaps the excitement that ran out for me with Djo' exit will return after the finals....
Thursday, July 13, 2017
All in the game
Andy also struggling with injury lost to Sam - another gruelling match for the latter. The Cilic Vs Muller game was my pick of the day... Cilic is in serious form at the moment. And then we come to Fed - magic Fed. It seems that no one can give him any competition. I believe tennis fans out there are going to give me hell for this, but I find that the two/three players that could take a match to Fed have been completely out of form this year, so while it has been spectacular to see Fed playing the way he is, I haven't seen anyone really give him something very hard to fight for. He is definitely the favourite for the Championship... but we must wait and see...anything can happen in the world of tennis...
In the meantime, I want to stay excited about the tournament and will do that by focusing on the women's game. Let the semi's begin!
A special shout out, and speedy recovery to Andy, and my favouritest ever, Djo!!!
Wednesday, July 12, 2017
Larger Than Life

A game changing game
And the women's semis have been decided. One thing was for sure - the round of 16 games were more
The first week and then the round of sixteen made me expect sizzling, fight for every point games. The Vandeweghe Vs Rybarikova (Whoop, I have learnt to spell and say her name) was depressingly one-sided. The Williams Vs Ostapenko game was more competitive and while I am a bit sad to see the latter lose, I am still eager to see her in future tournaments. She has this fire when she is playing that is arresting. And then there was the Muguruza Vs Kuznetsova clash which was more competitive on paper...
The match of the day of course was the Konta Vs Halep match. Now that was a match worthy of a quarter final. I sympathise with Halep and her elusive grand slam...but I am going to take away the focus from winners and loosers and just say what a match! The power, the pace, the will to win! Fantastic - kudos ladies!
I can't wait to see how the semi finals will end...
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
Nerves of Steel
So Ostapenko stormed into the quarters in her usually fighting style and has set up a mouth watering encounter with Venus: Muguruza and Konta both battled it out to make it in 3 sets. Vicka crashed out as expected. I mean, even if I don't mention what is at stake for a lot of these players, the quarters look like a tennis fans dream: let the fireworks begin. Anyone else wonder if Halep will finally be a grand slam winner. Her potential number 1 ranking should also motivate her, or so I hope?
Over to the men's...Fed bulldozed Dimitrov, and Cilic had an easy time versus Agut. These matches were so one-sided and dull I couldn't watch especially considering the drama unfolding on many of the other courts - Zverev's loss to Raonic in, Anderson's few faults allowing Querrey to inch him out of the tournament, Thiem's sad fall to Berdych. Sigh.. the evening couldn't get more competitive...
I lie. Of course it could get more intense: Rafa was on court, and he was two sets down. What a match up that was Muller with his deceptive and staggering serve vs Rafa's never ending battling spirit. Every game had something exciting - From Nadal's stunning shots and reactions to every point won, to Muller's ever calm mien and his blistering service games. The 5th setter was out standing, questions were thrown and answers came back in the shape of aces, volleys, and winners. At 10-10 these two contestants were displaying nerves of steel, and it was simply traumatising knowing that someone was going to have to loose....Kudos to Muller for a game well played.
Ah Wimbledon, how mundane life will be after the championships are over...
Monday, July 10, 2017
The Wimbledon Monday
Ostapenko is already through to the quarters beating Svitolina in straight sets. The other women's games at the moment are looking highly competitive: Kerber vs Muguruza in particular has been engrossing - even if I am simply looking at the scores (And would you believe it, Muguruza has won! Whoa!). Konta vs Garcia is also playing out nicely - and is currently at the first set tie-break. I am waiting to see how the Wozniaki vs Vandeweghe match will end...And then there is Vicka vs Halep: I suspect the latter will win even though my heart wants Vicka to take it.
And in more captivating tennis look at these games that will play out today:
1. Sam Querrey Vs Anderson
2. Cilic Vs Agut
3. Murray Vs Paire (This could be completely one-sided, or a cracker of a game. I suspect the former)
4. Nadal Vs Muller (Will this be another case of Rafa wiping away the opponent?)
5. Federer Vs Dimitrov (Interesting.... again it could be completely one-sided with Federer brilliance taking over)
6. Djo vs Mannarino (goodness knows which way this will go - I suppose it depends on Djo's mood)
Can I get to a TV already?
Friday, July 07, 2017
It's a take over
So the last few days have been good fun at the games. Some matches have been exactly the way they were meant to be - others, not quite the way they should've panned out.
But I am vindicated by how Ostapenko is playing. Every game she plays is exciting to watch. True she can be topsy turvy and has a huge number of faults. Ah, but her winners and her unrelenting energy to keep getting the next point. The match versus the Canadian Francois Abanda was mouth watering. Both girls were stunning, and full of energy. That was a gripping watch, I tell ya.
Vicka is playing her 3rd round match this afternoon and I am looking for ways to watch it - not follow it on a real time blog, or catch up with the scores online with the slam tracker - but watch the action point by point. If Vicka brings her A game on, Heather Watson should expect fireworks with or without crowd support.
Honestly, the women's games are so exciting, I am skipping many of the men's games... However, I am still reeling from the Del Potro game. Sure he hasn't been as great the last few tournaments, but I don't think anyone was expecting him to loose in the 2nd round.
Thus far my favourites are hanging in there... I hope to see them hanging onto the cup soon...
Until next time, cheers to more Wimbledon....
Tuesday, July 04, 2017
Just an excited post...
I'm going to start of with the Azarenka vs Bellis game simply because, you know, Vicka is back. The first set saw Bellis play some amazing shots, and Azarenka was struggling with her serves and her precision - 18 unforced errors in a set that ended 3-6 in favour of Bellis. And then, the fascinating Vicka come back surfaced: the first serves were in more often, shots were fired with a little more precision, Bellis's game was read a little better. Vicka was back in it with a 6 - 2 win in the second set. All credit to Bellis, she played remarkably, though, I feel that the momentum change did make her question her shots and she started to miss her mark more often than not. The final set was very much in Vicka's control and then she had done it - she was through to the second round at Wimbledon. I cant wait to watch more of her and see her improving with each game.
And Stan the man's poor luck on grass continued in another cracker of a match. Medvedev seemed to be playing with a casual determination that definitely got the better of Wawrinka. Talk of an upset. The question now is, how far will Medvedev go? As is often the case after a big win, the next game sees players wilt away into nothingness ....
In more scintillating tennis, Anderson came out victorious and knocked out Verdasco in a 4 setter game (I find Anderson's game style laid back, so this was surprising). Navarro won the topsy turvy game against Bouchard - 1-6, 6-1, 6-1, and Ostapenko came through fighting, beating her opponent in 3 sets.
And day 2 is here. I cant wait to see Djo win (cross my fingers and hope to die!) a tricky match. Here's a list of other games in the men's draw that I think will be stealing the spotlight today: Dolgopolov Vs Federer, Gasquet Vs Ferrer, M Zverev vs Tomic. In the women's draw - Timea Vs Wozniaki is the highlight (surely the draws are insane this year, already I see players pitted against people they could have played the quarters against!)
Can the play start already?
Monday, July 03, 2017
Grass, Strawberries & Cream!
Speaking of sporting action not to be missed... tantalising, classy, alluring Wimbledon is here! Whoa! I can't wait, and I hope that my favourites favour my disposition to watch this tournament all the way to the finals with a smile on my face. The draws have been decided, and day one has some promising games: Wawrinka vs D Medvedev could be an interesting one to look out for. The Kohlschreiber vs Cilic match also seems to be one of the matches that could turn out to be a cracker. In the women's draw most matches look to be straightforward (Watch out for the Navarro vs Bouchard game). I am eager to see how Ostapenko will fair. Lisicki on grass is of course a delight to watch - it will be good to see if she is in good form. And best of all, Azarenka aka Vicky is back on court. Let the games begin!
Off the court, a good friend of mine announced categorically that, "Messi got messed up." I read that statement in some trepidation, quietly running through football fixtures in my head wondering if he had injured himself. Turns out that he was referring to Messi's nuptials, and Messi is still well and quite capable of working some magic on the football pitch. Phew! On that happy note, I bid you all farewell for the week.
Happy Sporting!